Audit, Standards & General Purposes Committee


4.00pm 24 September 2024


Council Chamber, Hove Town Hall



decision list



Part One





External Auditor's Audit Findings Report 2023-24


Decision implemented at close of business on:  unless called in



Contact Officer:

Jane Strudwick

Tel: 01273 291255


Ward Affected:

All Wards






That the Audit, Standards, and General Purposes Committee note the findings set out in the 2023/24 Audit Findings Report and ask questions of the auditor as necessary and raise any other matters relevant to the audit of the 2023/24 financial statements.







Audited Statement of Accounts 2023-24


Decision implemented at close of business on:  unless called in



Contact Officer:

Jane Strudwick

Tel: 01273 291255


Ward Affected:

All Wards






That the Audit, Standards, and General Purposes Committee:


1)        Notes the findings of the external auditor Grant Thornton as set out in their audit findings report.


2)         Notes the results of the public inspection of the accounts.


3)         Approves the Letter of Representation on behalf of the council.


4)         Approves the audited Statement of Accounts for 2023/24 subject to any final amendments.


5)         Delegates authority to the Chief Finance Officer for any final wording or immaterial adjustments to the accounts prior to publication







Internal Audit and Counter Fraud Quarter 1 Progress Report 2024/25


Decision implemented at close of business on:  unless called in



Ward Affected:

All Wards






That the Audit, Standards, and General Purposes Committee note the report.







New Bullying Harassment and Victimisation Policy and Procedure


Decision implemented at close of business on:  unless called in



Ward Affected:

All Wards






That the Audit, Standards, and General Purposes Committee:


1)         Agrees the new Anti Bullying Harassment and Victimisation Policy and Procedure to replace the existing Dignity at Work Policy and Guidance.


2)         Delegates authority to the acting Corporate Director – Corporate Services to take any action necessary to implement this on or after the 1st October 2024.







Standards Update


Decision implemented at close of business on:  unless called in



Contact Officer:

Victoria Simpson

Tel: 01273 294687


Ward Affected:

All Wards






That the Audit, Standards, and General Purposes Committee:


1)         Note the contents of this report, including the data provided on member complaints at Appendix 1.


2)         Approve the proposed changes to the initial tests against which member complaints are assessed as set out in Appendix 2 and give the Monitoring Officer delegated authority to update the Council’s Constitution to incorporate those changes, including by making any changes considered necessary or incidental to give effect to the proposal.


